The THC ~ Under a Gibbous Moon

The book "The THC" had been received from The Tales Pensieve for its review.

    The book is all about the dynamic states of today's relationship. How love changes with time, consistency in the loyalty of relationships, guilt, loss of loved ones, the unheard feelings of a man/father/son and the adulteration in today's relationships.

      The story revolves around the three main characters Samar, Sanjaneka and Varun. Three different people, three different stories and all are at one place the THC. The book is a journey on the lives of three people; how they explore and face their problems and what brings them all to the THC. Co-incidences do happen and one can find it in their stories too. But the soothing feel that you get when you pour out your past, your problems and the result is the strength you get to face it is well explained. 

     The cover design is impressive. The writing style is simple with few errors here and there. The story is definitely disturbing for some point of time and made me think can even this ever happen? The statements of feelings can make you think, melt your heart and can give you all kinds of emotions be it the red anger or the soft heart. The flow of the story is organized well and makes you cling to it.

    Recommended for the ones who like reading about broken relationships, loss of loved ones, dealing with relationship struggles and who love exploring and reading about it.

Author: Manoj V Jain

Rating : 3.8/5
